Our Guides

Jordi and Moses

Nature showcases the Creator.  It  inspires, challenges us; open vistas in our hearts and minds, to explore possibilities, to connect with ourselves and the people and land we traverse through.

We have this wonderful opportunity to work with guides who have a passion to let us experience the best of Java and nature.

Jordi is a personal trainer and an outdoors person – he will make a great special force guy.

I dived, jumped from heights; swung from trees, trekked, surfed, rode trial bikes – was hooked by nature i guess.

Asep Dedi Kusmayadi

Asep is a very likeable person – he is head over heels about guiding and has been at it for 10 years.  He is using his experience and connections to help us kick start this company,

He will be our key person in Java and will initially run all the tours in West Java, leaving Centrol and West Java to his good friend Doni.

He will be your driver, your guide, your Java friend who will take care of your very needs from pick up to drop off at Bandung.

He is our West Java specialist and has hand picked the best HPI accredited local guides to bring you all the fun and thrills of West Java safely and efficiently.


Doni was introduced to us by Asep. He has been in the tourism industry since 2007, covering Bali and Java, mainly East Java.

He is a jovial, interesting, caring guide and fantastic driver.

He knows all the good places in Java, especially east Java his home.  So if you feel like checking out something else to eat, relax or enjoy – ask him.

He loves music and talking to people and will entertain you with both on those long trips unavoidable in Java.

I like to tell you more about this fun guy,  but will let you find out yourself – bon voyage!


Kamal is our specialist in Pangandaran.  He is all exuberance and jovialness – you won’t have a dull moment with him, but don’t let him pull one on you.

He is famous – on Lonely Planet at least.  When he was running an information shop in Pangandaran – all the western tourist go to him for information.

He knows a thing or two about having a good time – on the beach and off and is full of information about food or anything or nothing.


Dol is our camp specialist and your West Java HPO guide.  I was very grateful to him to show us the ideal place to enjoy natural hot spring at the source on our trek to Mount Papandayan.

He has a kind nature and the best big brother you never had – he will watch your back (in very sense) in the elements.

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